Hi, Im Liz
Im a mother of 4 children ages from 10 years to 17 years old. Im 35 years old. I hit 30 and realized my health was pretty piss poor to be honest. I knew i had to do something about it.
Not long afterwards my older brother approached me needing a kidney transplant. Other options had been exhausted. I had concerns because i had 4 children and a husband (Paul) whom rely on me, not to mention i KNEW i was overweight. My older brother said he would do whatever it took to help. But what it really took wasnt anything he could give. I needed to do it for me more than anyone else.
I started out reading everything I could get my hands on online starting with wikipedia and went from there. I started my work the next day.
I stuck to a 1200-1500 calorie diet and exercised 5 days a week for an hour. I spent hours every evening reading document after document, everything i could get my hands on.
I suppose I should explain that Im a computer geek, techie. I program for a living and install email and webservers after hours. Im often refered to as a Linux guru, however I dont think i know more than anyone else, probably just more keen on sharing the information than others.
So studying documents every evening for hours on end was nothing new to me, what i learnt was. I soon bypassed a ton of myths and facts and became fairly knowledgeable. I joined an Online Weight Loss Forum which helped because they had challenges which kept me motivated. The weight was just falling off.
About 3-4 months into my plan I had a fall off my husbands bike and cracked a rib and twisted a hand muscle. I wasnt able to exercise for a month but the weight was still comming off.
When i went back i never fully got back into going to the gym but instead into cycling. I entered the round lake rotorua race (42km) and finished dead middle of the pack. Pretty good considering i was 110kg when i did it, much heavier than most people.
I stuck to my diet through thick and thin, and the family love the new me. Im finally starting to get comments from friends and family about how good im looking, even though I still have a fair way to go. Some have even said stuff that would have potentially motivated me if they had said it when i was fatter. Things such as ‘you had no neck before’ and ‘you could never see your eyes because of the fat’.
My children used to get a lot of flack at school because mum was fat, i never knew this until they told me ‘im glad you’re skinny now, now nobody says mean things about you’. Stuff like that hurts.
Sarah Ulmer (my hero) and myself.
Nobody says it to you when you’re fat.
So now i find i have all this information, i put it on my personal website so I didnt have to repeat myself everytime somebody asked me ‘How are you doing it?!’. This posed a problem because my website ended up getting thousands of visitors because of it. So I ended up starting this site.
I dont wish to make money from this, I’m just happy that others out there can lose the weight and move on like I did.
There are no catches, no gimmicks, and no crap. I have intentionally left stuff out that doesnt really alter things because i was trying to keep it as simple as possible. If you bog yourself down in to many do’s and donts you will end up confused and its not going to help.
If it doubt remember, calories in vs calories out. Nothing else matters.
Recently a friend has offered to help me with personal training which has helped immensely. My muscle has improved, and ive broken through the plateau. Its also helped my cycling. His website has a fair bit of info too so check it out http://corpobello.co.nz/
Feel free to drop me an email if anything on this site helps you or you have any suggestions.